Thursday, December 30, 2010

Me vs. Facebook, round II

Dear Facebook:

While I rallied and railed and even lobbied for the removal of "Looking for singles" advertisements, and in the end I had to change my own status (thus, allowing you to make a liar out of me) just so I would not longer be bombarded with buxom, bodacious yet single women all looking for *me* and me only, I now have a new gripe.

As you already know, rarely does a day go by that I am not checking in here for at least a brief moment.  And, thus, rarely does a day not go by that you now continually bombard me with 'helpful' advertisements - like trying to get me to sign in to my AOL account, or my GMail account, or even my OutLook, so I can let *you* help **me** find ***my friends***.

Now, contrary to popular belief, I am not a complete idiot, and I am rather more computer savvy than the average joe.  I do know how to find my own friends, tyvm, and I don't need you bombarding me with efforts on your part to harvest my, I mean, efforts to 'help me find my friends' on here.

If you would like, I can remove all of my info and be a very nondescript anonymous kinda guy - but I have a feeling that you would not like that very much at all.

So, I propose that we compromise on this - I already changed my status last time to avoid the Singles ads, so it's your turn to step up to the plate and do the right thing - stop trying to get me to give you a list of email addresses of potential users from my addressbook - that's not only low, it's underhanded - I mean, I know hitting 1 billion users is a milestone like no other - but still - can't you go about it in much more conventional ways?

K, thanks.

Friday, February 26, 2010

DROID and my new level of connectivity

So, in case you don't already know, I bought and have been using a Motorola DROID® since the day it was released, and I am loving it. Thus far I have tried out many apps, rooted my phone, installed many different ROMs, and found many ways to both be productive as well as waste time.

Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, AIM, eBay, PayPal, and now Blogger, not to mention email, banking, search, sports, games, you name it - my foray into the world of smart phones is complete. 3 months and I already cannot conceive of not being so connected.