Thursday, December 30, 2010

Me vs. Facebook, round II

Dear Facebook:

While I rallied and railed and even lobbied for the removal of "Looking for singles" advertisements, and in the end I had to change my own status (thus, allowing you to make a liar out of me) just so I would not longer be bombarded with buxom, bodacious yet single women all looking for *me* and me only, I now have a new gripe.

As you already know, rarely does a day go by that I am not checking in here for at least a brief moment.  And, thus, rarely does a day not go by that you now continually bombard me with 'helpful' advertisements - like trying to get me to sign in to my AOL account, or my GMail account, or even my OutLook, so I can let *you* help **me** find ***my friends***.

Now, contrary to popular belief, I am not a complete idiot, and I am rather more computer savvy than the average joe.  I do know how to find my own friends, tyvm, and I don't need you bombarding me with efforts on your part to harvest my, I mean, efforts to 'help me find my friends' on here.

If you would like, I can remove all of my info and be a very nondescript anonymous kinda guy - but I have a feeling that you would not like that very much at all.

So, I propose that we compromise on this - I already changed my status last time to avoid the Singles ads, so it's your turn to step up to the plate and do the right thing - stop trying to get me to give you a list of email addresses of potential users from my addressbook - that's not only low, it's underhanded - I mean, I know hitting 1 billion users is a milestone like no other - but still - can't you go about it in much more conventional ways?

K, thanks.

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